About Us


Newpark Homes is one of Northern Ireland’s most up and coming homebuilders who provides high quality homes across the province. Established at Dromore, Co. Tyrone in 2014, the local family run company takes great pride in offering homes of quality and distinction.

Newpark Homes deliver the highest levels of specification and customer care therefore achieving highest level of customer satisfaction. With this commitment to quality and customer service we continue to grow & develop into new and exciting areas.





Our commitment to quality and customer care has been shown in Newpark Homes recent developments at Lough Shore Manor Enniskillen, Carnhill in Irvinestown & Lockwood Court in Ballinamallard.

We are proud to report that at a recent launch – the previously mentioned Lough Shore Manor Enniskillen – all homes sold out within 3hrs of release – further enhancing our reputation.

Newpark Homes constantly strive to improve on the service and experience that its customers receive, and with that in mind all of our new homes are covered by a NHBC 10 Year Buildmark. This means that we are able to offer our new home owners peace of mind and confidence in the quality of construction and practices adopted in the development of their new home. If you would like any further information about this you can contact us directly or visit the NHBC website www.nhbc.co.uk


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Lough Shore Manor


Newpark Homes invests much time and effort in carefully choosing sites and designing homes which are functional with generous living space, but at the same time are also beautifully finished both inside and out. Our objective is to build affordable, quality, stylish homes and we achieve this by appointing award winning Architects, Interior Designers and craftspeople. With the growth of Newpark Homes, we established a highly experienced team who has a wealth of experience in the local housing and building industries.

Our intention is to continue to grow as a respected and caring company who will go that extra mile to provide quality construction and customer satisfaction in every home built.

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Health & Safety

We recognise and accept our responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all our workers, contractors, visitors and members of the public who may be affected by our work activities.

Health and Safety is a key element and contributor in the overall success of the business. It therefore has equal priority with other aspects of management and will be managed with the same determination and commitment. Any decisions made by the business will take full account of any Health and Safety implications for all our workers and those under our control. We will endeavour to ensure the health and safety of all others who could be foreseeably affected by activities under our control.

It is our aim to promote, set and maintain the highest standards for health, safety and welfare matters.  This will be achieved by:

  • Providing adequate control of health and safety risks arising from the activities we undertake;
  • Consulting with workers and contractors on matters affecting health and safety;
  • Providing and maintaining safe premises, machinery and equipment;
  • Maintaining safe systems of work;
  • Ensuring safe handling and use of substances;
  • Providing information, instruction and supervision for workers;
  • Providing information for visiting members of the public;
  • Ensuring all workers are competent to do their work;
  • Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions;
  • Reviewing and revise our Policy as necessary at regular intervals; and
  • Putting measures in place to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

Health and Safety is viewed as “everyone’s business”. To achieve a high standard of health and safety, the active co-operation of all workers is essential. Our policy and associated documents will be revised annually, or after any significant change or legislation likely to affect the policy.


Newpark Homes achieved SafeTcert accreditation in 2017.

Safe-T-Cert is a third party accredited health and safety management scheme which meets the requirements of Northern Ireland public sector procurement policy and developed jointly by the Construction Employers Federation in Belfast and the Construction Industry Federation.


NHBC 10 Year Buildmark

Newpark Homes constantly strive to improve on the service and experience that its customers receive, and with that in mind all of our new homes are covered by a NHBC 10 Year Buildmark.  This means that we are able to offer our new home owners peace of mind and confidence in the quality of construction and practices adopted in the development of their new home.  If you would like any further information about this you can contact us directly or visit the NHBC website www.nhbc.co.uk

Newpark Homes covers the first 2 years under builder warranty.


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